Monday, April 25, 2016

Aliens: Are They More Than Just Stories?

By Sandalie Gamage

Aliens have been a controversial topic  for a very long time. There have been supposed sightings and more of odd beings and spaceships here on Earth. People have told the world that they have been abducted and taken onto an U.F.O. Of course, they could just be lying, but there are plenty of other pieces of evidence that prove that there could be life outside of Earth.
There are many theories about aliens and how they got to Earth, or why they came. In 1947, the Roswell Air Force Base told everyone that they found a metallic disc on a nearby ranch. However, soon after that, they changed that statement and said they’d found the remnants of a weather balloon. But before they could do that, many newspapers had written stories about an alien spaceship. People said that the weather balloon story was a cover-up, but there isn’t enough evidence to prove it was.
Another alien related topic is, of course, Area 51. There have been many stories that have been used as explanations for why the government won’t let anyone near Area 51, one of them including aliens. The base is supposed to have underground labs, an alien runway that appears and disappears, and research programs that are trying to reverse alien engineered technology. Two different former Area 51 workers claimed to have had contact and even worked alongside an alien named J-Rod. So Area 51 is known as huge government cover-up about aliens.
There is also a less believable conspiracy theory as well. This one says that almost all major government leaders aren’t what they say they are. People believe that they are actually an ancient reptilian race. A strange piece of evidence for that theory is when, during an interview, George Bush Senior’s eye flicked to the side and made a clicking noise. Of course, that could just been a coincidence that reptiles do that as well.
Though all these theories have many people that believe them, there is no solid evidence for them. As much as people want to believe them, they can’t technically be proved true. As of now, we are the only ones in a universe that is much bigger than we think. Of course, there may be life out there that we don’t know of. Our solar system alone hasn’t been entire explored, so what about all the other potential solar systems out there that could be more advanced than ours. They could know about us and be sending “people” to see Earth. But that is nothing more than a theory until proved otherwise.

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